united we


  • Be a new political voice

  • Remain Independent

  • Transcend political divide

  • Flood the house

  • Flood the senate

  • Perpetuate truth

  • eliminate fear

  • Transform america.



We are a movement that transcends political divide. Together we rise as a one voice and fill voids threatening our Union. As a United Front, we protect and enforce a shared declaration of ideals within a Manifesto For America.



This is a call to action and the time is now for a new political voice to gather. We represent a “7 Star Agenda” confronting pressing and perilous issues of our contemporary Nation-State.



We are the spark of independent political thought. Through new forms of civic engagement we shall flush out political stagnation, raise the consciousness of a nation and strengthen the bond between Citizen and State.



We’ve exchanged private-vested interests for political goodwill. Our movement entrusts the foundational framework of our Nation, represents action of People and is anchored in the spirit of independent political thought.

We’ve set forth new standards of civic engagement amongst People and Government. We believe in the transformative power of constructive discourse. Together we implement modern policies that demand fluidity in governance beyond political will.





On this United front we shall raise the banner of our nation to ideals set forth within a Manifesto For America. We shall reclaim self-entitled rights, ensure the preservation of honorable civic responsibility, and transform our identity within a new frontier of political independence.

A Declaration of People concerned with a State of our Union. When in the course of National events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Constitutional powers reserved for the People, the separate and equal station to which the Bill of Rights entitle them, and righteous Patriotic sacrifices compel them, a decent respect to the opinions of fellow Citizens requires that they shall declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

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